Speed Cups Board Game.
- Price: dh93.01 - In stock
It's the fast-and-furiously fun game of matching cups and stacking them up! Each player gets a set of five cups in five different colors. When a picture card is flipped over, everyone races to stack or line up their cups in the same color order as the items in the picture.
Availability: In stock
It's the fast-and-furiously fun game of matching cups and stacking them up! Each player gets a set of five cups in five different colors. When a picture card is flipped over, everyone races to stack or line up their cups in the same color order as the items in the picture. Fastest player to stack their cups in the correct order and ring the bell first wins the round! Quick Cups is match 'em up, stack 'em up family fun! How fast can you stack your cups to match a picture? Find out with Quick Cups! Flip a card and stack or line up your five colored cups to match the picture. Ring the bell first to win!
- Beat the Bell Speed Cups is a fun and simple color-matching cup stacking game! Blue, red, green, yellow, black: who will correctly rearrange them first?
- Each Beat the Bell Speed Cups card has a picture of 5 colored items; Some are horizontal, like a train; Some are vertical, like a stack of teacups
- Line up or stack your 5 colored cups to correctly match the order in the picture; Ring the bell first and you earn the card; Earn the most: you win!
- Beat the Bell Speed Cups is for 2-4 players aged 6 and up
Speed Cups Board Game.
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